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Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Kitchen Design: Space Planning VS Decorating

In design, the first questions can be paired down into two categories: Form and Function.
This is the age old question in design, which comes first?

The answer really lies with the client. Is the client remodeling or building a space? How will he or she use it? Do they order in and simply reheat and make coffee? Do they have staff? Do they entertain? Is status an issue? Do they want that new La Cornue because they love to cook up a storm or because they love to impress their friends and business associates?

Perhaps the client is a family with young children and mom (or dad) stays at home managing the household.

Either way, the best place to start is where most seasoned interior designers start. That is with a complete "program". These questions, along with others must be answered. A professional designer will want to know all the facts and will create a "Design Statement" as well as help develop the clients "Budget" before they ever start the first cad drawing.

If you have any questions or would like more information, please contact me at Richard@richard-allan-marti.com

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